I thought I'd put up some new pictures to show what's happening these days. 1. T finally picked up two teeth and we're pretty sure the blue eyes will stay.

2. Look closely on Bug's plate...that's ranch dressing...we asked him "do you think you have enough?" Nonchalantly he replied, "yep." Well thank goodness because I'd hate for Hillshire Farms to have to pump out an extra 22 gallons of Ranch Dressing just for him.

3. Paul and I celebrated the anniversary of our first date 12 years ago -- that seems goofy, but it's so close to V-day that we celebrate it instead. Additionally, we did so in style, without the little people along for the first time since Paul was born. Thanks gma & gpa. We went to Brio, Tuscan Grill (known to the 411 operator as the Tucson grill -- subtle, but important difference). If you have one in your neighborhood, I recommend the chocolate biscotti dessert and the mini-cheesecake, honestly, can you ever go wrong with mini cheesecake?
Write up what you're doing with chocolate this week!
Finally, enjoying beautiful weather an I hope you are too, wherever you are, even if it isn't in Texas! :)
Happy Anniversary to you two love birds! I do think it would have been highly appropriate for you two to have gone to a Hard Rock or the Zoo too. :) The boys look adorable and I can't believe how big T is getting - wild! Bug and I are true friends because I too think the more Ranch the better.
As for chocolate, I was inpsired by this treat we had at the Superbowl party and made it this week, it is amazing! It is a Golden Graham treat - you can google the recipe or I can give it to you. It is sooooo easy and very delicous.
Happy Valentine's Day!
ok I'll bite
" I cannot write on the internet what we will be doing with choclate this week".
kidding, we are gonna go ballroom dancing on friday I think, we have been taking private lessons.
its fun
if I hadn't seen the dressing bottle, I thought it looked like grits !!!!! And you were turning into a true southerner.
first of all "the bulls" comment is very very funny.
second, what are the odds of you two having another blue eyed child...and super blue. i think you should have another kid just to see if it looks just like the others
third, i love the tuscon/tuscan thing
fourth, somewhere in CA Ben and I were having our first date around this time 12 years ago too. i can't exactly remember the date though! (we were just recently talking about how if we had pursued the path of some of our classmates, and interestingly enough always the prom/homecoming royalty, we would have a kid going into jr. high right about now. scary! moral of the story -we are thankful for our restraint.)
That 411 operator must have been a student in the great Texas education system...
As for chocolate, I don't know what we will be doing with it this week, but I do know that 9 months ago it could possibly have been responsible for what I can't write about on this blog or any blog.
Congrats on the anniversary! Happy Valentine's Day to you and the Fortenberry Clan! Oh how I love the pile of ranch dressing. I am having flashbacks to one holiday weekend where we ate ranch and random items (yuck-o-rama). But I do believe ranch is a food group in Texas. No joke. Shall I recite the Texas Pledge...anyone?! I bet your delicious dessert was scrumptious! I need pics!!!!!
your blue-eyed boys are to die for- too cute ... Kaley and Emma saw me looking at your site and Em said, "Hey, it's Paul." Glad to see she still remembers her nursery/neighbor compadre.
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