February 5, 2008

My final plea...

Having spent the better part of the day trying to desperately persuade my Aunt and Cousin to move here, I'm issuing my final plea for them (and all readers) to take it under serious consideration for the following reasons:

1. With a certain loved one in town on business so frequently, you'll have a much greater chance of actually witnessing the ingestion of a "large slurpee"!
2. You know you love Brianna's "poppy seed" salad dressing, so stop kidding yourself and come to the land where it's made (that's right folks, check the bottle, Go Texan)! Also home to Blue Bell Ice Cream.
3. Did I mention that we ate dinner outside last night?
4. 14 fabulous pools open in under 3 months for a long summer spent by the pool, possibly with slurpees.
5. I need a lot of help removing pinestraw from my yard and could use the extra set of hands!
6. Lively discussions and retelling of old stories is always funnier in the flesh (that means in person, not naked, although I'm sure that's also very funny/scary).
7. Central Time...if you haven't heard of this marvel, watch all your favorite programs one hour earlier and be awake when the paid programming comes on cable.
8. Houston Livestock & Rodeo Show!

That's it, I'm ending it with those eight reasons. I have already memorialized for your benefit the marvels of living here in previous posts. WHAT MORE CAN YOU POSSIBLY NEED TO AGREE? I demand a response. If not here, what's so great about your neighborhood? Don't make me break out the reverse psychology...


Andrea said...

I have to stay neutral on the subject of yor aunt moving to Houston. But an arguement for staying here is mountains & skiing. Some of us like snow.

Merrilee said...

Your aunt should totally move there - we all should move there. I'll be honest, it still scares me to live in Texas, but maybe I just need to face my fear and visit! I sure do miss you guys - honestly it wouldn't take much to get me down there just so I could have regular visits with you.

Kellie said...

April, you should be a salesperson. You work Texas like no other!

BugHunter said...

Why everyone should move back to Utah.

1. Snow
2. Skiing/Snowboarding on Snow
3. Mountains
4. Camping in the Mountains
5. Coyote hunting
6. Sunday dinner at the Woody's
7. Water skiing without the fear of animals in the water...KILLING YOU
8. Wes' awesome parties!

Matt "The Bull" said...

its hard to argue with Wes.
Ill give it a try
1. big twelve football
2. zero state income tax
3. 3500 square feet for 200k
4. working 3 days a week
5. top 8% of all income accoring to turbo tax
6. Water skiing in March
7. Free babysitter
8. dubya
The Bull

April said...

Yes! Matt, Merrilee, so glad you see most of it my way, Andrea, Bughunter, why not visit the land of great mountains and skiing? If it helps, we have BYU TV here, and the good parties here could use your finesse. Consider it...little Dyl would be outside in shorts right now instead of a skisuit! (Thanks also Kellie for the nod, you'd like it too!!!)

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Chris; That was compiled by a polotician its like saying I hate utah cuz it has the most snow per capita. Or the most broken hips due to falls in the driveway.. I hate d.c. because there are more poloticans per capita than any other state. and I hate hawii becuse studies show that if there is a volcano eruption in the united states there is a 50% chance it will happen there.
have those stats are based on population.. well....
the bull

Jenn said...

Good for you, April. Go Texas. I've lived here for 15 years, my formative years. I graduated HS here, college and now I'm an educator here. The school system is great, the weather is wonderful and the people are one of a kind. Just try it, you'll love it.

April said...

Chris, so bitter. Jenn, you are a true Texan, even if you were born in OK -- you shave sung the praises of the land you love for many moons...what other state gets more love than Texas? I remember at RC, sitting in the whatever, (where they rollerskate)at Guitars Unplugged and when Blakely annuonced she was from TX, the crowd went wild...that's not an accident! Come to the great state. Did I mention they (WE) have their own flag pledge???

April said...

p.s. Chris, I have DELETED your comment. If you don't have something nice to say, you can keep your mouth SHUT! Oh yeah, that's right folks, that's just the way we roll in TX!!!!!

BugHunter said...

Censorship is the way "we roll in TX"?

Odd. I expected Texans to be better behaved. Then again, bagging on Christian has been the family tradition since as far back as I can remember.

Jenn said...

I noticed the deleted comment, good for you. I also might add that I say the Texas Pledge every single day (minus weekends, although I should add that to my weekend ritual...hmmm) and it is pretty wonderful. Give me another state that does that!!! Not even the largest state, ALASKA, does that...Ryan!

Anonymous said...

wow, hard core sister;
the only way to convice chris is to let him; let it out.
well chris. we also shoot people who come on our property unwelcomed. and we lethaly inject too.
I like it that way

Andrea said...

I would like to apologise for starting all this contradiction. I'm sure Houston is a lovely place to live. We'll have to come visit sometime.

Merrilee said...

I am so sad I missed Chris' comment! It's good to see you all have not let distance stop you from putting Chris in his place - I'm not sure if it's just a family thing or a Texas thing, but I like it all the same.

So, I accept the invitation to visit Texas - provided you read Twilight. :) I'll start looking at flights now.

April said...

Andrea, you did not start it, in fact your comment is exactly what I expected from OTHER people who aren't interested in moving to our great state, just a thought on why you love your great state - mtns and skiing, that's good...Chris, however, having never been to H-town, slam dunked it without even seeing it for himself and offering no constructive information on why he loves his state of VA. Chris, I have one more reason you might live TX, it's called the "little smokey kolache" If you ever come visit, I'm pretty sure that it'll convince you -- unable to be convinced by our great lifestyle, nothing like a hot dog for breakfast to do so! Anyhow, I love all of your thoughts and champion your own states for your dwelling (sort of some reverse psych here), but of course I would love for each of you to come down, free pie & kolaches on the Fortenberrys!

BugHunter said...

Well, I grew up being taught that you don't have to try everything to know whether you should/would. I never tried murdering anyone, but somehow I know it's just not for me. I don't really want to live in jail, even though I've never visited. I don't want to live in China, though I've never visited. I don't want to live in Queens, Chicago, San Fransico, etc., though I've never visited.

Some people need to start engaging their brains a little bit, instead of just popping off at Christian, because all of the cool kids are doing it. Is this high school all over again, or do we want to play grown-ups yet?

April said...

bug hunter, it's over...we're cool with Chris & he says he's coming for a visit this summer. I cannot persuade everyone, but I love trying! where are the updated pics of D??????

Lynn said...

wow. i was gonna add my list about something but i forgot everything after all those comments! i think i'll stay out f this one.

melissa smith said...

Oh I love You april. And I am standing saluting the texas flag. I would love to move to houston to live by you. You really should go into sells. maybe in our other life after our kids are grown we will start a business.

melissa smith said...

April I feel like such a TRADER. I love Texas. I love the weather, the price, the schools, the people, the churches. I love it. However, i love my husband more and he will never be happy until he can suckle full time. I think Utah will be fun too. I leave with a solemn heart and wish Houston would have worked for us. Well you will have to come and visit. We will come visit you.