October 1, 2007

The odds.

First of all, a special shout out to Melissa and Lynn for commenting and Jenn and my Mom calling to make sure I would survive the insult of the MLO -- you guys are great! I do want to report that we should have keys to the house, inspite of the MLO sometime today.

Back to the original post..the odds. Okay, I admit (not that anyone could argue) that I do not have ANY real style. In fact, I'm the Mom who carries around the hospital issue plastic diaper bag. That was until this weekend. No, I was not fined by the fashion police for this outrage of decent style, but instead, while helping my son eat his pizza at a MAJOR wholesale warehouse food club that shall remain nameless, one wondering bird dropped his business right onto my diaperbag which was conveniently unzippered, but the inside contents were not compromised (including my wallet and cell phone). It apparently stains the bag and will forever look like a bird has dropped his business right on the diaperbag. The diaperbag is now useless. Whatever will I do? I think we're going to Target to remedy this, but honestly, aren't the odds of a bird pooping on YOUR diaperbag amidst thousands of square feet of retail astronomical? They say that's lucky...I guess lucky that I didn't spend a dime on the diaperbag that is now ruined. I think I'll pick up a cloth one...


Lynn said...

My hospital issue bag's strap just broke at church this week. This is after weeks of it hanging by what looked to be white toilet paper. Awww man.

And I mentioned you in my latest post, but just so you know it is not b/c you just mentioned me in your post and I thought I shoulf return the favor. It was written first. :)

Anonymous said...

April You must go check out sam moon. We went on the way to the airport that morning. Tons of costume jewelery for 3.50. I got a fabulous huge cute purse for 11.00. earring bracelet necklace combo for the girls for 2.50. Beware there is some high dollar stuff in there but not much.