September 2, 2008


Alas, amid numerous computer issues and other fun, the hiatus known officially as "summer" is closing. We are getting Bug ready for his first day of preschool on Thursday and looking forward to a great "fall and spring" which Houston doesn't actually have. In the meantime, here are a couple of photos. T is really a funny character - but you'd never known from his expressions and that crazy tongue. He is uber uncoooperative at things like pictures so during our sitting, we took a grand total of 7 pics and just hoped for the best. I think next time we'll just let our friend Tracy test out her excellent skills!


Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday April! Is this a big one? *wink*

I hope it was great!

(Your pictures are adorable, BTW!)

Sarah said...

Cute kids, and you are gorgeous as always April. I love the family pic!

JoMamma said...

Shoot I missed your b-day. Crap. Happy Birthday.

I love your pictures. Very handsome boys! You look beautiful, and you still look like you're a teenager. People are going to mistake you for the boys sister in a few years.

Good Luck with Preschool

Lacey said...

Love the pics!!! You guys are sooooooooooo adorable!!!!!

Chris said...

Just to let everybody know, April's birthday isn't till September 21st, but She will be 30 this year. What glorious and depressing milestone. Happy future Birthday April.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some new pictures. Darling family picture.

JoMamma said...

I'm glad I did not miss your b-day. I'll have to mark it now or I will be posting another belated birthday.

Andrea said...

Cute pictures. We just got family pictures taken, and we had to get retakes because our typically smiley guy, didn't smile at all.