Okay, through some reverse psychology and persuasion, I will continue to blog, but for no reason other than allowing me to pay generous tribute to the beautiful children we have in our home AND to rant occasionally about all things wrong with the world. So on that note, you may decide to quit reading now, or go on to find out why "she had it comin'." The "she" here is me. Most of you will think I probably have most of what I get "comin'" so carry on, but in this case, I want to throw out there that Bug never required us to do any real "baby proofing" -- this is because he never bothered with things like cabinets, electrical outlets, did not pose unknown risk to himself or others with his expeditionary skills...so I have been completely thrown for a loop by T who will put ANYTHING in his mouth (except babyfood), attempt to unplug ANYTHING from an outlet, shake anything vigorously, and go off any ledge HEAD FIRST. Has he no fear? Were you one of these children? Tell me how your parents got control. I have plugged most of the outlets and now he's trying to pry them off too --- there's simply no stopping him. We tried utilizing the firm "No" to which he smiles a knowning smile like "go ahead morons, just try to stop me." I'm willing, but HOW?
For proof, here's just one of many things T put in his mouth...
This is what we all blog about. Our kids and what's wrong with the world. As far as T goes, how much baby-proofing do you think our parents did and we survived. We didn't even have bike helmets, right?
my paretns gave me asprin, dropped me on my head, and put mecuracome on my cuts (main ingredient mercury). and Iam well,,, well i am here. I love to hear that other people have just as much "fun" with their kids as i do.
yeah welcome back yeah.
that is melissa
well remember Kaley our Pica child? She STILL puts everything in her mouth ... be it wood chips, chalk, crayons, toys, etc. She's also into everything ... she opened the freezer and helped herself to a few popcicles while I was in the shower yesterday. She has ripped pages or pieces out of books that Emma never would have harmed in a million years. The list goes on and on. You can't baby proof it all. T will just have to start learning the hard way! This will unfortunately be hard on you too. Sorry. I can totally relate though!
Oh but he sure is cute. Dang cute. It's a good thing I suppose, 'cuz it they're not cute and so much trouble, what's left to love? Right? ;)
Good to be in touch with you through cyberspace, and glad to see a new post (although I missed something I think . . . I gather that you threatened to quit blogging at some point . . . perish the thought).
Much love to you and yours!
So glad you are back! I kept checking back in on you guys knowing you would come back!!! The new pics are adorable - of course! Hope you all are having a lovely Spring... we are enjoying cloudy skies in the low 40's... just wanted you to know what you're missing. :)
LOVE the bluebonnets picture. I am sure gonna miss texas. well we don't get bluebonbets in lubbock either. Guess I could take a picture of my kids in a field of cotton.
I am really happy to have you back to blogging.
Love the picture of your little boys, so cute! I just read your comment on my blog, yes that is my cousin. She wasn't very happy when they said in the article that she should cut back on her tithing. What a small world.
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