January 12, 2009

Complainer in Chief

That's me. Chief of all things complaint: both worthy and unworthy. If it is meant to be complained about on any level, you'll find me doing it. I don't know why I do this, I feel compelled to be the complainer, mostly to people I care deeply about. For about 30 years, I have moved along assuming that other people are going to be complainy too, but they aren't usually and this is why I bring it to the blog -- I need solutions for this bad, bad, bad habit that are proven effective and work fast, before I lose the few friends I have over all my complaints.


Unknown said...

Three words, Count Your Blessings.

Yeah, I'm a complainer too, but you already knew that ;)

Andrea said...

I though blogs were the place to vent your complaints. Wes is a bit of a complainer; must run in the family.

I agree with the above. At the end of the day write down your blessings, or things that happened during the day that made you happy.

Sarah said...

I don't think you complain. I think you're marvelous, and truly one of the most uplifiting and positive people I know.

So whatever it is you're doing, you're doing it rather well in my opinion.

jbel said...

haven't noticed u as a complainer, but looks like you have a new year's resolution ... per your previous post!

Betsy said...

I am the same way, so we need to get together more! I like to think of it as being "realistic," "honest," or "just saying what everyone else is thinking."

Jenn said...

I'm with Sarah - don't think you complain. You ALWAYS lift me up when I talk to you. You are amazing!

Lynn said...

I also don't find you as complainy - just analytical and with an opinion - which makes you interesting and fun :)

Melissa Smith said...

I have always thought you were the much lighter and more positive counter part to your cousins. well anyway I have always thought you were very honest and amazing and happy.

Betsy said...

by the way my comment sound makes me sound like I think you complain...which I totally don't...I agree with all the others...I would describe you as real, hard-working, extremely giving, and considerate!

noelle said...

i'm hurt now. apparently this means i was not one of your deeply loved ones... i never heard a peep out of you! :)